Rapid Gigs+...
Right Gigs+Right People = Best Results!
Welcome to Rapid Rain-Maker Academy...
Congratulations for getting to this page. The decision that you will have been empowered to make will simply change the way you view business forever! Using our top subject matter experts (SMEs), Rapid Rainmaker Academy (RRA) will teach business leaders like you 12 specific skills that will help you reach business success:
1) How to determine the lifetime value of a customer.
2) How to increase profitability by maximizing the most underutilized aspect of all business marketing...current customers.
3) How to increase profitability by the "fantastic four":
a) Increase retention,
b) reduce attrition,
c) increase frequency, and
d) Increase dollar amount per purchase.
4) The questions to ask EVERY prospect to increase credibility.
5) How to use vocal intonations and micro agreements to build credibility during the first 15 seconds on the phone.
6) How to use design to subconsciously influence your customers and build credibility.
7) How to train employees to instantly establish rapport with customers, and increase the likelihood of purchase.
8) How to use special events to radically increase prospects, revenue, and profitability.
9) How to use Master mind teleconferences to increase customer loyalty and make a low barrier to entry for prospects to get to know your business.
10) Creating "communities" by having alliances and partnerships with other businesses to maximize exposure and minimize costs.
11) the art of the telephone call, (by Dr. Pete Lorins)
12) The art of "the right mass email message" to contact prospects, (by Dr. Pete Lorins).
EAGER to achieve BUSINESS SUCCESS... CONTACT US via the following means:
Phone: (407) 955.3545 OR (773) 372-9656
Email: Recruit@RapidGigsPlus.com
You can also visit OUR PARENT COMPANY'S WEB SITE (www.TurnkeyVentures.net)